Every criminal charge comes with different consequences. Every criminal charge also comes with a different defense. Minimizing the consequences and bringing the proper defense is the job of an effective criminal defense attorney. The criminal justice system is complex, and knowledge of how to proceed through these rough waters is a necessity when faced with a crime. The resources on this website attempt to assist in explaining what is at stake and how the system works. It is no substitute for consultation with counsel though, every case has unique facts, and based on those facts, is where the defense will be found. The Criminal Justice system was founded on the principle that it is preferable for ten guilty men to be acquitted, than for one innocent man to be found guilty. So there are procedural protections, even when the matter may look bleak, an effective attorney can make a difference.
Issues discussed in relation to criminal law on this website deal with:
- Defenses
- Crimes
- The Criminal Justice Process
- Sentencing
San Diego Criminal Lawyer Michael Rehm is available for free, confidential consultations at (619) 787-3456