MICHAEL REHM - (925) 289-5564
Martinez is the birthplace of Joe DiMaggio. It also claims to be the birthplace of the martini, a claim that San Francisco and other contender's dispute. Regardless of the cocktail's origins, there's no doubt that drinking martinis before driving will place the driver at risk of a DUI arrest.
DUI Arrests in Martinez
The most recent statistics released by the Office of Traffic Safety were compiled before the pandemic. In the last year analyzed by OTS, there were 44 DUI arrests in Martinez. Compared to 92 California cities of similar size, the OTS ranked Martinez as having the 21st highest DUI arrest rate, after adjusting for population and miles driven.
After a DUI arrest in Martinez, a driver will be taken to the Martinez Detention Facility for booking. That jail is located at 901 Court Street in Martinez. The booking process may take a couple of hours, although a driver who is not picked up from the jail by a sober individual might need to wait until they are below the legal limit before being released.
At present, most drivers who are arrested for a misdemeanor DUI are given a court date and released without being required to post bail. Bail and release rules are constantly changing, however, and some circumstances might lead to a driver's detention until the driver appears in court.
DUI Charges in Martinez
The Contra Costa County District Attorney's office prosecutes drivers who are arrested for DUI in Martinez. Most drivers will be charged with a misdemeanor DUI and a second misdemeanor for driving “over the limit.” Only 3.6% of DUI arrests in Contra Costa County are charged as felonies, usually because the driver has several prior DUI convictions.
Even before formal charges are filed, an arrested driver should obtain legal advice. It is important to request an administrative hearing before the DMV within ten days of the arrest to avoid or delay an administrative suspension of driving privileges. Martinez DUI Defense Attorney Michael Rehm can assist in this process.
After charges are filed, the case is assigned to a judge in the Contra Costa County Superior Court. While a driver's lawyer might be able to attend some court appearances on behalf of the driver, an arrested driver should expect to make at least one court appearance in person. Court proceedings are held at the Wakefield Taylor Courthouse, located at 725 Court Street in Martinez.
DUI Convictions in Martinez
The good news for arrested drivers is that DUI convictions are not inevitable. In Contra Costa County, just 62% of DUI charges end with a DUI conviction. Drivers who hire a lawyer instead of pleading guilty have the best chance of achieving a favorable outcome.
About 9.2% of DUI charges in Contra Costa County are plea bargained to “wet” or “dry” reckless driving. Most plea bargains are to “dry” reckless, a charge that does not expose the driver to the same harsh penalties as a DUI.
Statistics show that 26.7% of Contra Costa County DUI prosecutions result in no conviction at all. A DUI defense lawyer can investigate the facts and suggest defense strategies that may help a driver avoid a criminal conviction.
If you have been arrested in Martinez, CA for a DUI, call Michael Rehm at (925) 289-5564 to get started with representation today.