Woodland is only 20 miles from Sacramento, allowing commuters to work in the city and enjoy restful nights in a rural setting. While Woodland is only a few miles from the unique restaurants and shops in Davis, residents have little need to leave Woodland. The city's downtown offers a variety of stores and a growing collection of Asian, Mexican, Middle Eastern, and American eating establishments.
Woodland is situated at the intersection of Interstate 5 and State Route 113. Woodland's proximity to major highways, Sacramento International Airport, the Yolo Bypass and other waterways makes Woodland an ideal site for distribution centers. That is good for the local economy, but bad for drivers who must share the road with big rigs on surrounding highways.
Woodland Traffic Accidents
In the most recent year analyzed by the Office of Traffic Safety, there were 161 traffic accidents in Woodland that resulted in an injury or death. That statistic does not include nearby accidents that were outside the city limits.
The OTS ranks cities within population groups. There are 102 cities in Woodland's group. After adjusting for population and miles driven, OTS ranked Woodland in the 79th position. The best ranking is 102nd.
Woodland's OTS ranking is better than the median. Unfortunately, the OTS breakdown of the accident data resulted in more troubling trends.
Motorcycle and Bicycle Accidents in Woodland
Motorcycles are a popular form of transportation in Yolo County. In the most recent year that OTS analyzed, there were 12 motorcycle injury accidents in Woodland. In the category of motorcycle accidents, the OTS ranked Woodland as the 39th worst of 102 comparable cities.
Bicycle accidents are another category in which Woodland ranks below the median. Of Woodland's 161 injury accidents, 20 involved bicyclists. The OTS ranked Woodland 20 out of 102 cities in the category of bicycle accidents.
Pedestrian Accidents in Woodland
The OTS based its pedestrian accident ranking on Woodland's 17 pedestrian accidents that caused an injury or death. Woodland ranked 46th of 102 cities for pedestrian accidents.
Sadly, five of the pedestrian victims were under the age of 15. Four of the victims were age 65 or older. Woodland ranked 11th of 102 cities in the category of pedestrian accidents involving young victims and 31st of 102 in the category of pedestrian accidents involving older victims.
Woodland Traffic Accident Lawsuits
Victims of collisions in Woodland can bring insurance claims against the driver who was responsible for their injuries. Personal Injury Attorney Michael Rehm is a strong advocate for victims in Yolo County.
Most claims settle. When they don't, victims of traffic accident injuries in Woodland file lawsuits with the Yolo County Superior Court. The courthouse is conveniently located in Woodland at 1000 Main Street.
The Yolo County Superior Court is not a high-volume court. Two of the county's fourteen judges handle motor vehicle accident lawsuits. In the most recent year for which statistics are available, those judges presided over 104 new motor vehicle accident cases.
In that same year, 92 motor vehicle accident cases were resolved. Only one of those cases went to trial. The other cases settled. About 92% of Yolo County motor vehicle accident lawsuits settle within two years after they are filed.
For a free, confidential consultation call Woodland CA Car Accident Lawyer Michael Rehm to find out how the law applies to the facts of your case, how to document lost wages, and how to obtain top notch medical care. Attorney Rehm has significant courtroom experience in Woodland, Yolo County, and will apply that experience should your matter end up in front of a Judge or Jury. Call Michael Rehm at (916) 233-7346 to get started.
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