Situated at the base of the Sierra foothills, the community of Granite Bay began as a gold mining camp. While the Gold Rush no longer brings settlers to Granite Bay, the community's low crime rate, exclusive housing, and equestrian activities have attracted thousands of permanent residents.
As a residential suburb of Sacramento, Granite Bay residents tend to commute to work. However, drivers do not need to leave the community's boundaries to become victims of traffic accidents.
Not long ago, an elderly woman was driving a Toyota Prius on Auburn Folsom Road in Granite Bay. She stopped at a traffic light and was rear-ended by a speeding driver. While rear-end collisions at low speeds often cause painful neck injuries, the collision drove the Prius across the road and into a concrete wall. The woman died as a result of the high-speed collision.
Traffic Accidents in Granite Bay
California's Office of Traffic Safety does not compile traffic accident records for unincorporated communities. A look at Placer County records nevertheless provides insight into injury accidents in or near Granite Bay.
In the most recent year that OTS analyzed, there were 2,369 traffic accidents that caused an injury or death in Placer County. Of the 58 counties in California, the OTS ranked Placer County as the 37th worst for injury accidents, after adjusting for population and miles driven.
Only 60 pedestrians were victims of Placer County injury accidents. Placer County had a favorable OTS ranking as the 55th worst when it compared the pedestrian accident rates of California's 58 counties.
Another 60 accident victims were bicycle riders. Placer County ranked 34th for injury accidents involving bicycles.
The worst OTS ranking involved injuries to motorcycle riders. Collisions with motorcycle riders accounted for 152 injury victims. OTS ranked Placer County 25th of 58 counties in the category of motorcycle accidents.
Causes of Granite Bay Auto Accidents
While drunk driving remains a serious cause of traffic accidents in some California counties, only 259 Placer County crashes involved alcohol. Only seven counties had a better OTS ranking for alcohol-involved injury accidents.
Speeding is a more common reason for Placer County crashes. The OTS attributed 571 injury accidents to speeding. Placer County had the 25th worst record of speed-related accidents.
Granite Bay Car Accident Lawsuits
Speeding and drunk driving, like texting while driving and falling asleep at the wheel, are examples of negligence. Granite Bay Car Accident Attorney Michael Rehm can identify negligent acts and help victims of Granite Bay injuries recover compensation from drivers who cause accidents through negligent driving.
Lawsuits involving traffic accidents in Granite Bay are filed in Placer County Superior Court. Cases are heard at the Howard G. Gibson Courthouse. The courthouse is located at 10820 Justice Center Drive.
In the most recent year for which statistics have been released, 330 motor vehicle accident victims filed lawsuit in Placer County. In that same year, 302 motor vehicle accident lawsuits were resolved.
Almost all of the resolutions were settlements prior to trial. Only five motor vehicle accident lawsuits went to trial.
To learn how the facts of your case are treated in court, or through settlement negotiations with insurance companies, call Granite Bay Personal Injury Attorney Michael Rehm at (916) 233-7346 for a free, confidential consultation. Attorney Rehm is available for office visits in Sacramento, Roseville, or home/hospital visits upon request.
Granite Bay CA Accident Resources: